Friday, March 25, 2016

Weekly Report & Reflection Post #12

This week we have been asked to google ourselves! I have actually googled myself a few times before to see what would pop up, but I have noticed a few more links now. When applying for jobs, employers are more often than not checking online before they call for an interview. My digital footprint says a lot about me, and anyone, including my potential employers, that have access to it! I've tried to maintain a professional digital footprint, and all of the photos and content I produce are things that I can be proud of. Being a positive digital citizen means leaving a positive digital footprint. 

When I use the digital environment to connect with other individuals, I make sure that the information available about me is sufficient for the communication. Other collaborators are able to contact me, as I ensure that my information is listed publicly. I've learned that to be a responsible digital citizen, being flexible and open to new tools is of critical importance. The digital landscape is ever changing, and to keep up, you must continually develop your learning techniques and tools. 

As a digital citizen, I will continue to work collaboratively with others and show them new ways to learn in a digital context. Working with others is a way to further understanding for all parties involved, and the online tools we have explored through this journey will  serve as a basis to encourage this learning. 

I've added a picture of my final PLE diagram (with lots of added tools) and I look forward to developing it in the years to come!

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