Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Who am I?

I am a fourth year honours student studying Media and Communications at Brock University and I have also completed a graduate certificate for Public Relations at Mohawk College. I was born in Oakville and raised in Burlington and Oakville until my transition to university. I played rugby during the four years of high school, both on the high school and the club team of the Burlington Centaurs. I also played for two years with the Brock Varsity Women's Rugby team, but following an injury, I have been unable to continue playing. 

During my first year away at school, my parents moved to Nova Scotia with my younger sister. I have since been living mostly in Toronto for the summers between school, while working as a bartender full time. I have worked as an intern for Rugby Canada during my third year at school, and am currently employed as a receptionist at a tech company based out of St. Catharine's. 

During my final semester at school, I have chosen to enrol in courses that not only develop my knowledge of communications, but also introduce new, foreign concepts. I look to absorb as much as I can before I enter the working world as a graduate, and this hope has led to the decision for my registration in the course ADED 1P32. I have previously taken ADED 1P31 and it allowed me to look more closely into the ways in which I learn, and how I can improve the strategies for efficient learning. In order to better prepare myself for life after university, and to improve my lifelong learning skills, I will be examining my digital learning skills in ADED 1P32. 

Come May 1, 2016 I will not be continuing my education past the Bachelor Degree as I don't have an interest in a Masters Degree. That being said, I am very open to taking courses throughout my future employment to remain current in industry practices and advance my career. As for my direction in the field of communications, I remain relatively unclear. I have enjoyed the concepts I have learned throughout my university and college education, but I am not sure how well that translates into a sustainable employment path. I am very inclined to first work in a public relations agency so that I may try my hand at working in various different sectors with various specializations. 

Through my education, I have found that I am very task oriented and organized. I enjoy leading a team and managing competing ideas so develop a successful plan or project and I require structure in work related tasks. This satisfaction I feel aligns with my personality, as I am very assertive and confident, but I am well aware that entering the workforce I will be vary unaware of many of the industry practices. Based on these self-realizations, I am inclined to think that I may eventually look to become a project manager, or coordinator of sorts. That being said, without the experience in the responsibilities associated with these positions, I can't be certain that this is my path. If I do choose this route however, I will likely complete additional certifications to qualify for the positions. 

Finally I would like to gain a better perspective on the ways in which I can use my talents to succeed in the work environment. Building off of my previous self-discoveries, I hope to develop a plan for employment, and a better direction in the positions I should apply. 

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