Monday, January 11, 2016

A Digital Frontier: Digital Footprints (Week 1)


Retrieved on: Jan 11, 2016
At the very least, if someone chooses to not to recognize their profiles for their professional capacity, it needs to be made clear that employers may still be watching. More often than not, employers are going online to check out interviewees even before they take their first steps into the office. I encourage users to first educate themselves on the capabilities of the Internet to fully realize the risks that come along with the possibilities. The DigitalDrivers Licence (DDL) as an educational tool for schools in America I believe is very necessary for a safe leaning environment online.
I fully believe that a digital footprint is necessary for many careers in today’s job market, and is a powerful tool for developing yourself professionally. That being said, in order to use the Internet to advance your network, and possibly your career, the way in which you present yourself is very important. It is more often being asked if you don’t exist online, do you exist at all? While this question may seem extreme in nature, I believe the overwhelming development of the global digital community is proving the need for a digital presence and footprint.

To maintain a positive digital footprint, one needs to monitor every platform they engage with online. With the digital literacy age becoming younger every year (my 8 year old sister regularly posts on Facebook for my step-mom) the possible hazards of the Internet must be made clear to these younger digital citizens. Once you post something on the Internet, it can be accessed by anyone, from anywhere, at anytime. Even if you make a profile private, there are ways people can gain access very easily. This means that being aware that the information you provide online is visible, and can go viral for any number of reasons.


After completing my DDL, my first thought was why has a program such as this taken so long to develop. Programs such as this should be mandatory at all schools across North America, because an educated digital citizen is a safe digital citizen. The second thought after the completion of the DDL was from question 9, because although it is easy to assume everybody has access to technology in this day and age, many still do not. Integrating the technology into public school systems allows for equal opportunity between peers, and may aid in social equality within school systems.

My second area of focus is the access for individuals with disabilities to technology. This seems often overlooked, as those with disabilities remain a minority. I presumed the technologies specifically designed to overcome those disabilities would be more costly, but I was surprised to read that many of them are actually quite cost effective. I would like to look more into these technologies and discover the ways in which they can be integrated to provide equal access to everyone.

I also found consistency in the resources provided in the Building Background section for Week 1, and the DDL that was used for students. Highlighting the importance of a positive digital footprint through blogs such as Technology Chatter, and websites such as Handy4Class propels educational programs such as the DDL. Much of this education must be primary focused on the youth of todays global community, as they will pave the way for a new digital frontier. 

1 comment:

  1. Great start Karina! You've provided an insightful and comprehensive coverage of the "Weekly Reflection Post" criteria, while providing a professional tone. Looking forward to reading more. :)
